
Jump -> spacebar

move right/left -> right/left arrow keys


The year is 2114 a human inside a green capsule is trying to escape from the Great Machine.


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Bad game. Cuz jump hingte low

The part with the walls is so hard!

Relatively simple but effective! POW or BOW? XD Having said that, I noticed a possibility of getting momentarily stuck on the edge of a platform. But it is nothing very serious and minor !

Hi, your game seems to be having the same trouble mine did (Unity WebGL game not loading). The Chrome console has errors, too.

Try going to Player Settings from the Build menu and unchecking Data Caching under Publishing Settings. If that doesn't work, try setting Compression Format to Gzip or Disabled.

Hi, in my machine the game was loading relative fast (about 10 sec).

I change the player settings as you said, i hope that now the game can load for you and thank you for you help.

That fixed it! Strange it was working for you, but maybe it was a browser difference.